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fresh off the press + tips & tutorials

+ but it looks different on my screen!

 + Fri, 16 Aug 2019 09:30:43 -0400

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those dreaded words

In the printing industry, we hear this almost daily. Sometimes multiple times daily! Many of you are guilty of such utterances. It's okay. We forgive you. But let me explain...

It looks different on my screen too, & it always will, & there are many reasons why. But…


+ a bit about bleed

 + Thu, 12 Oct 2017 17:19:20 -0400

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what is bleed?

For those who work in print, the answer is already deeply engrained in our daily practices. For those who are new to print, or new to designing for print, the concept—& best practices—may seem a bit unclear at first.

So, what is bleed? In print, bleed is the…


+ taking stock of color

 + Fri, 14 Jul 2017 15:18:58 -0400

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the 5th color

Some years back, I encountered an article that described paper as the "5th color" for print—in addition to C, M, Y, K—& I have yet to see a more apt description. When designing logos, collateral & other printed materials, our digital displays reflect layouts & images similar to…


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